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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Cannon Beach, Oregon or Bust Day 3

After our long drive on Day2, Tom and I took it easy on Day 3. We enjoyed most of the day at Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming before driving to Cody, Wyoming for the night.

Hot Springs State Park

Tom and I have passed through the town of Thermopolis, Wyoming several times on previous trips. Many signs and billboards, along the highways near the town, tout the famous hot springs. And, a faded sign on the a mountain above Thermopolis, proclaims it to be the WORLDS LARGES MINERAL HOT SPRING. But, the glimpse bit of the town that Tom and I saw from the highway whenever we passed through, seemed a little run-down. Maybe, in the back of our minds, we assumed the hot springs were also neglected. But, after a long day of driving we were sore and any hot springs, run-down or not, sounded good!

We had intentionally booked an RV site near Hot Springs State Park. It was a short bike ride from the Wyoming Gardens RV Park to the Hot Springs State Park Bath House near the center of the state park. Tom and I headed over first thing in the morning while we left Aly in our camper with the AC ready to kick on when necessary. Our plan was to soak in the hot springs and explore as much of the park as possible before our 11am checkout. Then we would hit the road because it would be too hot to leave Aly in the camper without running AC. However, after just a few minutes in the beautiful Hot Springs State Park, Tom and I realized we could easily enjoy the whole day there and have plenty of shade to keep the camper cool for Aly.

Entrance to Hot Springs State Park is free but they do accept donations, particularly for the Bath House. There are many private businesses within the park boundaries offering lodging, massages, and other recreation including hot pools with slides. But, most of the park grounds including ranger-led or self-guided tours, are free.

Tom and I enjoyed a morning soak at the bath house and a short bike ride around the grounds.Then we returned to the RV park to check out and move our camper. On our way back to Hot Springs State Park, we stopped along the Bighorn River, which runs through the town of Thermopolis and Hot Springs State Park. Aly burned up excess energy chasing sticks and cooled off in the river. Then she enjoyed a long afternoon nap in the camper under the shade trees while Tom and I explored more of the beautiful state park.

Bath House

The Bath House is a simple but nice facility that is run by the State of Wyoming and free to the public. It has both indoor and outdoor mineral pools with locker rooms and showers. All visitors are required to sign in and out and are limited to one 20-minute soak every two hours. I took advantage of a second soak that afternoon while Tom joined Aly for a short nap under the nearby trees.

Tepee Fountain

We happened to park right across the street from Tepee Fountain, one of the many natural attractions within Hot Springs State Park. It's hard to imagine the large dome-shaped rock used to be shaped like a tepee.

Big Spring

The Big Spring is the largest of the many hot springs in the state park. A viewing platform enables you to look down on the bright green pool of water.

White Sulphur Spring

White Sulphur Spring is at the edge of the Bighorn River. The minerals have turned its pathway into the river a bright white. Near the parking lot above it are beautiful rock formations.

Smoking Waters

Smoking Waters is a large shallow pool of hot mineral water running across the colorful rock as it flows into the Bighorn River. When we rode past in the cool morning, it was obvious where its name came from. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo until we rode past again later in the day. By then the air was warm and the water wasn't smoking.

Swinging Bridge

The Swinging Bridge crosses the Bighorn River offering beautiful views the the river, the park and the bridge itself.

Tom and I are very happy we took the time to explore Hot Springs State Park and we'll likely make it a regular stop on future trips that lead us this direction!

Sights along the way

After an relaxing day at Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming, we continued our drive northwest toward Cody, Wyoming where we boondocked at the Elks Lodge. While some Elks lodges have RV hookups, this one does not. Without running the AC, it was well over 80 degrees in our camper that evening... the perfect excuse to sit outside on the shady patio at the Silver Dollar Bar just a few blocks away. Tom and I enjoyed live music while Aly practiced proper puppy etiquette.

Slideshow - Day 3

Here are photos from Day 3 of our RV trip to Cannon Beach, Oregon.


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