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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Cannon Beach, Oregon or Bust Days 6 - 8

On Days 6 - 8 of our RV trip to Cannon Beach, Oregon, Tom and I drove from Harrison to Potomac, Montana to visit family.

Sights along the way

We enjoyed beautiful views of the mountains and the Clark Fork River as we approached Missoula. Then, as we passed through Bonner toward Potomac, we followed the Blackfoot River for a short distance.

While staying the weekend in Potomac, we camped on the beautiful farm belonging to Tom's brother Ken and his wife, Misty. We enjoyed a day-trip to Missoula where we explored the Farmer's Market, Clark Fork Market, and downtown shops. We ate a fabulous lunch at Tamarack Brewing Co. The servings were huge and we were too busy eating to take any pictures.

Aside from our day-trip to Missoula, we spent most of our time relaxing with Ken and Misty on their farm. Aly loved playing with their dogs and she was intrigued by their fearless cat. Aly especially enjoyed chasing the wild turkeys and was sure she could catch one. Fortunately, turkey's can fly!

Our friends from Colorado, Dennis and Wendy, caught up with us for our last night on the farm before continuing our drive north toward Glacier National Park.

Slideshow - Days 6 - 8

Here are photos from Days 6-8 of our RV trip to Cannon Beach, Oregon.


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