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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Exploring Fishing Point Municipal Park, Newfoundland

When Tom and I arrived in St. Anthony, at the end of our drive along the Viking Trail, we were anxious to see some local sights and eat some local food. We were too late for an iceberg tour that day so we set our sights on food. Fishing Point sounded interesting with a lighthouse, restaurant, and park.

We drove to the end of the peninsula toward the Lightkeepers Cafe. As we pulled into a parking spot on a cliff above the water, we saw an iceberg across the bay. No wonder this area is called Iceberg Alley! We saw an iceberg without even trying. But it was far away and tiny so I took a quick picture with my cell phone then reached into the truck to get my camera with a zoom lens. Before I could take another picture, the fog rolled in and the iceberg disappeared.

Seeing the iceberg was a welcome surprise but it wasn't why we came. We came for the food and we weren't disappointed. Tom ordered the fish and chips and I got the vegetarian chili. Both were delicious! From our table in the cafe we could see and hear the Fox Point Lighthouse. Next to the cafe is a sod-covered building where they host a Viking Feast and Dinner Theater. If we weren't too hungry to wait, it might have been fun to do.

After lunch we explored the grounds. I started with the Fishing Point Emporium, a souvenier shop with lots of fun things to buy. While I was poking around in there, Tom liberated Aly from our camper. We spent the rest of the afternoon walking the trails and enjoying the views from each side of the peninsula. If it was this pretty in the fog, I'd love to see it on a clear day! Although I must say the cemetary looked pretty cool in the fog.

You can view a few photos from our afternoon at Fishing Point on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.


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