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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Exploring Prince Edward Island

Tom and I enjoyed two days exploring Prince Edward island. We visited Blooming Point Beach, Green Gables, and several local breweries.

Visiting Blooming Point Beach

As usual, Tom and I didn't have a plan as we headed for Prince Edward Island. However, we learned that a geomagnetic storm that day could make the northern lights visible as far south as New York. So, as soon as we crossed the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island (PEI), we headed for Blooming Point Beach, a boondocking site on the north side of the island.

We boondocked one night in a large dirt parking lot just a short walk from the beach. It was a relativley isolated location away from the city lights and campgrounds and seemed like the perfect place to view the northern lights. We took Aly for a walk and swim along the beatiful beach, which was relatively empty then waited for dark. We were happy see the skies clearing as the evening continued and became increasingly optimistic about seeing the northern lights. Sadly, wevnever did. So, for now, aurora borealis will remain on our bucket list.

You can view a few photos of our visit to Blooming Point Beach on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.

Visiting Green Gables

After boondocking near Blooming Point Beach, Tom and I headed for Green Gables Heritage Place. This is the original setting for Anne of Green Gables. We hadn't read the novel or seen the movie until just before we left home for this trip. As we toured the site, which includes a visitor center, museum, gift shop and the home for which the book is named, Tom and I were surprised to see so many visitors from around the world.

You can view photos of our visit to Green Gables on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.

Visiting Cliffs, Breweries, and Dairy Bars

After touring Green Gable, we headed for the viewing site at nearby Cavendish Cliffs. From the viewing site we could see Cavendish Beach full of people. Tom and I hadn't seen that many people in one place since we crossed into Canada more than six weeks earlier. Since we'd already enjoyed some less crowded beach time that morning, we decided to continue driving farther west along the north shore, away from the crowds.

Tom and I stopped for an afternoon beer at Moth Lane Brewing. It's one of several local breweries offering boondocking through the Harvest Host app. We considered staying the night at Moth Lane but it was still relatively early in the evening. One of the other breweries, Lone Oak, happened to be next to a Cows dairy bar which was on my list of local places to try. It was a great place to boondock our last night on PEI with easy access to restaurants, bars, the visitor center and the Confederation Bridge.


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