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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Oh, the Places You'll Go (Part 1 of 2)


Today is your day.

You're off to Great Places!

You're off and away!”

If you're like me, the more places you go, the more you'll forget! Once, when speaking at an event in Nebraska, I started my presentation by saying "This is my first time in Omaha." Someone from the audience immediately corrected me. Apparently, I had presented at the same location the previous year. Oooooh The Places I've Been. If only I could remember! Fortunately, there's an app for that. Actually there are many apps for that!

In this post, I'll describe just one of the many apps that enable you to track the places you've visited. Places Been is the app I used to create the map in my introductory post, Seize the Day, Live the Dream.

Places Been is easy to use and the basic version, which enables you to specify cities, is free. As you zoom and pan on the map, it displays a list of cities making it fast for you to select each city without having to search or type (of course, you can if you like!) When you select a city you've visited, a pin with its country flag is placed at that location on the map.

The list of cities changes as you zoom and pan. If you're zoomed far out, you'll see the larger, more well-known cities. As you zoom closer, some of the smaller cities are listed.

Next to each city, you can specify if you've been there, if you want to go, and if it's one of your favorites.

A dashboard on the Home screen automatically displays how many cities, states, countries and continents you've been to based on the cities you select. The "States" count isn't particularly informative, however, because it combines states and provinces from multiple countries.

As you select cities in various countries, you automatically collect flags. And you can even display a Flag Map of all the countries you've visited.

In the Statistics panel you can see how much of the world you've traveled.

Everything I've described in this post is free in the Places Been app. You can even view and share your maps, choosing which types of places to display. However, unless you purchase additional functionality, cities are the only places you can access.

In my next post I'll provide an overview of the Upgrade and Add-on options available for purchase.


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