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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

A Week in Fort Stockton

Still stuck in Fort Stockton and waiting for new truck parts to be shipped from Odessa, the local dealer informed us that it would be at least Thursday (after the weather cleared) before they would get the parts. Since we’d already accomplished our most critical tasks during our weekend, we turned to TripAdvisor for The 10 Best Things to do in Fort Stockton. We could have accomplished all of these in one day, but we wanted to spread the fun across the rest of the week. And, we’d already accomplished number eight, Grey Mule Saloon Tasting Room, without realizing!

Historic Fort Stockton

Apparently a trip to Fort Stockton isn’t complete without taking a pic with the giant roadrunner. It’s right next to the big Historic Fort Stockton sign leading to, well…. Historic Fort Stockton!

Number 1, Check!

We also visited the Annie Riggs Memorial Museum. It was nice, and priced right at only a few dollars each. We were only there for about an hour because much of the museum is either outside or in unheated former hotel rooms in the historic building. And, It was well below freezing. So, we might have rushed a bit. I image with two hours on a comfortable day, you could see all of it.

Number 2, Check!

We fully intended to do everything on the Top Ten list. But, by Tuesday afternoon, even the dirt roads were slick. We gave up driving the 2.5 miles to the dog park. Fortunately, there was no traffic on the long dirt road right by our RV Park. So, along with our next door neighbor, we turned it into an impromptu dog park. It was great except for all the garbage and roadkill. Aly LOVES garbage and roadkill! She played keepaway with the spine of an unknown animal for ten minutes. I’d like to say she listed to me and “Drop It!” But I’m pretty sure she consumed most of it.

For two days we only went outside for Aly to relieve herself and burn off some puppy energy. It wasn’t always enough so she entertained herself by destuffing her toys. Tom entertained himself by tying flies and I blogged.

Aly became very comfortable on our bed, which is at a most convenient location for counter-surfing!

After waiting almost a week for truck parts, the local dealer decided they were wrong. We don’t need new parts, just a quick tightening of a loose hose and our truck is good to go! Great! But, we can’t go anywhere…. Haven’t you heard? There’s an ice storm sweeping across Texas!

Exactly one week after we pulled into Fort Stockton with an, apparently minor repair issue, we were anxiously waiting for the ice to melt so we could finally hit the road. The other seven Things to do in Fort Stockton have to wait for another trip!


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