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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

South Padre Island, Texas or Bust Days 17 - 18

On Days 17 & 18 of our RV trip to South Padre Island, Texas, Tom and I stayed relatively close to "home".


Both days were a bit overcast but not too windy. And, regardless of any weather we, of course, took Aly to the beach soon after sunrise. The beach we take her to is relatively small and runs along the lagoon by the amphitheater (indicated by the lowest star). It's a quick walk from our campsite and is usually empty except for another happy dog or two entertaining their humans. We usually take Aly there to play ball in the mornings and evenings. However, the weekends draw more locals to the beach making them too crowded for dogs to run free. Fortunately, Aly plays so hard with her dog friends in the morning that she doesn't mind short leash walks the rest of the day. She might even prefer them. I think Aly's going to need a vacation from her vacation!

After playing ball with Aly and her buddy on the beach, I headed to the pickleball courts. It takes less than a minute to ride a bike from our campsite to the pickleball courts (the left-most star). Tom has been avoiding pickleball while he tries to strengthen his shoulder at the gym. He's still recovering from recent shoulder surgery. But, by Sunday, he was ready to give it a try and joined me at the pickleball courts.

We enjoyed relatively relaxing evenings at our campground and at the nearby KOA campground playing Sequence and watching the Superbowl with friends.


We find ourselves looking forward to Monday's. The weekend crowds return home for work and school and the island returns, almost entirely, to "Spring Break for Retirees."

Photos Day 17 - 18

You can view our most recent trip pics on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the South Padre Island 2024 - 02 album and scrolling to the bottom of the photos.


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