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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Wheels Up for Ecuador Day 8

On Day 8 of my trip to Ecuador, Sierra and I explored the costal village of Olon.

Montanita to Olon

Olon is just north of Montanita, where we were staying. It's not far and would be an easy walk along the beach if a big cliff didn't protrude into the water.

Sierra and I decided to walk as far as we could along the beach then try to cut across on small streets. Our goal was to get to Olon without having to walk along the "highway". And, had it not been raining we might have succeeded. Unfortunately, the hill between our street above Olon and the street below was too steep and slick to attempt. So, we walked along the highway for a stretch trying not to slip on the mud, get splashed, or run over by passing vehicles. We were relieved to safely arrive in Olon and agreed to take a taxi for our return.


When I first arrived in Montanita, I met an American expat that retired to Olon with her husband. She spoke highly of it. Sierra had passed through Olon several times on our way to Puerto Lopez but we couldn't get much of a feel for from the bus. There was also an Indian restaurant in Olon we wanted to try.

We were pleasantly surprised at what we found. Olon has a big beautiful beach. And, even with the gloomy weather, the beach was bustling with people. Of course, it didn't hurt that it was El Dia de los Difuntos "All souls Day", an important holiday across Latin America. In general, there were nicer buildings and homes in Olon than what we had seen in Montanita. And, the South Indian Restaurant with a 5-star rating on Google, did not disappoint!

If the weather was nicer, we might have spent more time exploring Olon. But, we decided to head back to Montanita, via taxi, to pick up our clean laundry and pack for our next adventure... The Galápagos Islands!


Here are pictures from Day 8 of our trip to Ecuador.


I'm doing my best to track expenses in this spreadsheet for anyone that's interested in a similar, relatively low-budget trip.

Ecuador Fun Fact

Cuy is a traditional food in Ecuador. You may know it better as Guinea Pig. Since Sierra and I are vegetarian we won't be trying the Cuy.


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