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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Cascade, Idaho or Bust

Tom and I hit the road again. Our primary purpose for this trip is to attend the Northwest Truck Camper Rally in Cascade, Idaho. The rally lasts 5 days and is a 16 hour (950 mile) drive from our home in Colorado. We try to limit our daily drive time to 5 hours which means it will take us at least 3 days driving there and 3 days back. That’s more days driving than rallying! So, to make the most of our drive, we decided to start our trip early and do a little exploring along the way!

As usual, we don’t start with a specific route in mind. But, our drive from Colorado to Idaho will likely take us through part of Wyoming and Utah. We prefer to avoid bigger cities, like Denver and Salt Lake City, if possible. If we must drive through a big city, we do our best to time it late at night or early morning. Our route may look something like this but we won’t know until it happens!


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