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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Exploring River of Ponds, Newfoundland

After returning from our whirlwind visit to Labrador, Tom and enjoyed three relaxing days of camping and kayaking at the River of Ponds in Newfoundland. That's the longest we've stayed in one place since we left home almost 5 weeks ago.

Camping at River of Ponds

Tom and I camped at the River of Ponds Park & Campground. It might have been the intriquing name "River of Ponds" or perhaps the sign mentioning two of our favorite things... Fishing (Tom) and Ice Cream (me) that drew us in. There were many campsites to choose from... some were more spatious and private, nestled in the trees. Others were close together along the shore of one of the "ponds". In Colorado, where we live, that much water is called a LAKE! Tom and I chose a campsite near the shore for two reasons. First, so we'd have easy access for kayaking. Second, because we hoped it would be less buggy than in the trees... and it probably was.

The first day and a half was foggy and rainy. It didn't stop us from kayaking and fishing but it was a bit wet and chilly. I had to use binoculars to find Tom across the pond so I knew in which direction to go once I worked up the nerve to head out into the fog. I was thrilled when the sun finally broke through and the clouds dissipated. It was perfect timing to celebrate Canada Day (July 1) similar to our July 4th holiday in the US. The biting flies were equally thrilled about the nice weather and enjoyed a Canada Day picnic on us... literally. They only annoyed Tom but they feasted on Aly and I. In return, we feasted on 5 of the 100+ flavors of soft serve ice cream sold at the camp store. I might vow to return another time so I could finish tasting all the flavors (exept licorice... yuck). But, I don't have enough blood to revist this beautiful campground. I digressed... we did enjoy a beautiful Canada with our new friends, Jerry and Charlotte. We celebrated with chocolate cake shots. Tom and Jerry (LOL... get it?) might have over-celebrated with bourbon. I'm not sure Jerry will be allowed to play with Tom anymore!

You can view a few photos from our campground and campsite on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.

Kayaking at River of Ponds

While Tom fished, Aly and I kayaked across the pond to play sticks on a sandy beach. We didn't play long before the black flies discovered us. They seemed particularly hangry after being sheltered during the previous rainstorm and they found both Aly and I delicious. We retreated to our kayak to escape but they followed us across the pond. This was my second major battle with these blood-sucking creatures. The first one was a few weeks early at Bras'd Or Lakes. I still haven't fully healed from those wounds and now I have a fresh set. Fine! I'll wear the nets and bathe in DEET. Again, I degressed... it must be all the venom in my bloodstream. We did see and hear several loons on the pond while kayaking and Tom caught a few brook trout.

You can view a few photos from our kayaking adventures on River of Ponds on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.


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