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Seize the day. Live the dream!

Carpe Diem

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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Hewett

Ontario to New Brunswick

After a few days exploring Driftwood Provincial Park in Ontario, Tom and I continued our journey to New Brunswick.

We drove east across Ontario on Highway 17 then 417. At the Quebec border, Highway 417 turned into AutoRoute 40 which led us to Montreal. We took the AutoRoute 30 Bypass around Montreal then AutoRoute 20 past Quebec City to AutoRoute 85. AutoRoute 85 took us to the border of New Brunswick where it became Route 2. We took Route 2 to Grand Falls then cut north on Route 255 to Route 17 which brought us to St Quentin.

Traveling from Ontario to Quebec

Our drive from Ontario to Quebec was beautiful. It was all relatively rural except for the drive past Ottawa. We drove by logging trucks, farmland, a huge Amazon warehouse, and countless Subway restaurants. There seemed to be a Subway and/or Tim Horton’s, A&W, or McDonalds at every exit. Sometimes all four of them!

We crossed into Quebec just before reaching Montreal. Once we entered Quebec, traffic was noticeably heavier. We could see Montreal in the distance, along the St. Lawrence River.  But, because we wanted to avoid the city, we also missed out on the river views.

We only stopped a few times to take breaks and refuel, including a long break in Casselman, Ontario. As we approached Drummondville, Quebec, we’d driven almost 340 miles and were ready to call it a day. We took Aly to play at Park Canin Drummondville (dog park) then found a spot to boondock at the local Walmart.

I muddled my way through Walmart to pick up a few things. All the signs and self checkout instructions are in French so it took longer than expected.

You can view a few photos of our drive from Ontario to Quebec on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.

Traveling from Quebec to New Brunswick

Tom and I left our boondock site at Walmart relatively early to put a “few” miles behind us before breakfast. After driving past Quebec City and putting about 100 miles behind us, we stopped at a nice rest stop to stretch and eat.

We were impressed with the major highway construction as we drove across the Quebec border and into New Brunswick. Fortunately all of the construction was in areas that didn’t impact the current highway so we had no delays. We refueled in Edmundston then headed for Grand Falls.

After eating and exploring Grand Falls, Tom and I headed northeast toward the Acadien coast. We drove past many beautiful fields of wild lupins and one bear! Then, in St. Quentin, we found a nice boondocking spot behind a Tim Horton’s.

You can view a few photos of our drive from Quebec to New Brunswick on the Carpe Diem Facebook page by clicking on the image below.


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